
Showing posts from July, 2017

‘Couple Time’ at These 3 Locations in the World – An Untangled Love Story!

Solo travel can be a liberating thing – it’s like your time to self-discovery, but there is nothing like seeing the most beautiful locations of the world with your significant other. And, even though there might be certain things that don’t go according to the plan, you will always find ways of making each other laugh, keeping each other sane in the insanity, and building an even stronger bond. Sometimes, through your planning, you might want to look for cheap holiday ideas and that is exactly when you start your search over the internet. To give you an idea of the perfect hide out for the end of July here are the top 3 destinations – some of which I personally admire. These holiday travel ideas are exactly what you’ve been looking for 1.       Barcelona – When I first hear Barcelona I think of Barcelona – the club and then Messi, but that is not all because of the city Barcelona. Carlos Ruiz Zafón quotes, “Barcelona is a very old city in which you can feel the weight of h